Archive for the
‘Media Coverage’

November 22, 2018


Categories: Media Coverage

November 22, 2018. Part of a group of a rare giraffes that has become a Niger tourist attraction is to be moved to a reserve 600km away owing to encroaching desert, farmland and increasing instances of them being struck by vehicles, officials said on Wednesday.

April 23, 2018


Categories: Media Coverage

April 23, 2018. A timely intervention made by the late Shaikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan, the UAE’s founding father, helped reintroduce a wild animal back to the wild, according to a documentary screened in the capital on Sunday evening about an ambitious international conservation project.

March 2, 2018


Categories: Media Coverage

In West Africa, the last populations of the endemic species “Giraffa camelopardalis peralta” are found in Niger, in the plateau area of ​​Koure and Dallol Bosso, covering more than 1,700km2. This population of giraffes was particularly threatened by the disappearance of its habitat (…)

February 27, 2018


Categories: Media Coverage

Kouré, à 60 km à l’est de Niamey. Object volant non identifié. Mais quel est cet étrange oiseau qui survole la tête des girafes ? Ce petit drone hexacoptère, équipé d’une caméra, a pour mission d’aller photographier et filmer les troupeaux de girafes blanches du Niger. (…)