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Découvrez ci-dessous le 5e article de Sandscript #31

Zone sahélo-saharienne par excellence, la réserve de faune de Ouadi Rimé-Ouadi Achim (RFOROA) abrite de nombreuses zones humides saisonnières, le long des principales lignes de drainage (oueds), notamment des points d’eau et petits lacs pendant la brève saison des pluies, qui dure trois mois. read more

Dear readers,

We are really happy to introduce you to the 31st issue of Sandscript, the bi-annual publication of Sahara Conservation!

This issue is celebrating the amazing diversity of birds, large and small, that inhabit the Sahel and Sahara or pass through on their annual migrations. read more

Every 14 countries involved in the Egyptian Vulture New LIFE project will have had a different experience. Although working towards the same goal of strengthening the Eastern European population of Egyptian Vulture (Neophron percnopterus) by implementing urgent conservation measures to eliminate the main threats, each partner had to adapt to the local context, especially to the needs and threats to be addressed. read more