For a thriving desert
Our work
Sahara Conservation exists to conserve the wildlife and ecosystems of the Sahara Desert and adjacent Sahelian grasslands for the benefit of nature and people.
Species recovery

Sahara Conservation’s long-term goal is to halt and reverse the decline of the wildlife in Sahel and Sahara and the habitats required for them to thrive, through in situ conservation, reintroduction, reinforcement, research and monitoring.
Critical conservation landscapes

We aim to contribute to the effective management of protected areas and vital landscapes for the benefit of the wildlife and people of the Sahel and the Sahara.
Sharing capacity

We play a pivotal role as a voice for the Sahara, putting the region on the conservation map by connecting local agendas to global interests. In doing so we act as a pipeline of resources to one of the most under-resourced parts of the world.
Our impact
Years of conservation action
Scientific publications
animals released into the wild as part of reintroduction programs in 9 years
Healthcare and dental missions led in Niger and Chad
Our biannual publication

Our partners