Supporting local communities and raising awareness

Local communities have a direct impact on biodiversity because of their proximity and daily relationships with the natural world. Their involvement is crucial to address urgent conservation issues.

Younger generations are the perfect vehicle to spread the message among their communities and help develop the necessary skills and attitudes to benefit wildlife.

Awareness mission with young generations. © Sahara Conservation 

Over the years, Sahara Conservation has been working with local communities on their environment, including biodiversity.

In each project, people from the region are either part of the action or directly benefit from it, through the creation of jobs, designated activities to improve livelihoods, etc. Our objective is to have a sustainable impact, to reduce the dependence on natural resources and, consequently, encourage the participation in the conservation of the area, its flora and fauna.

Dialogue with community stakeholders is key to sharing knowledge on local wildlife, their threats and conservation status. Our objective is to increase awareness, gather data thanks to local observations, and be engaged together on the overall mission of conserving the wildlife, habitats and other natural resources of the Sahara and its bordering Sahelian grasslands.

Conjointly, we began to work with the young generations to reinforce impact in the short and long term. Children can develop the skills and the attitude to actively participate and engage in activities aiming at benefitting the environment and biodiversity that are immediately linked to their own communities. Primary schools located in important areas for biodiversity are among the best places to efficiently reach this public. Over the years, we implemented activities to raise awareness while supporting schools, reaching a dozen schools and over 3,000 children.

Awareness raising session for vultures in Niger. © Sahara Conservation 
Distributing goats to local households in Niger. © Sahara Conservation 

All activities undertaken at the community level will help ensure more integrated community engagement towards wildlife conservation with all key stakeholders working towards the same goal.

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