News from the 8 recently translocated West African giraffes in Niger
8 West African giraffes (3 males and 5 females) ( Giraffa camelopardalis peralta ) were recently circulated from their area of Kouré 60 km south-east of Niamey, to the Gadabedji Biosphere Reserve more than 800 km away. As part of Niger’s national West African giraffe conservation strategy, the aim of this operation is to provide secure and well-managed management of the area.

The Giraffe Conservation Foundation – Sahara Conservation (GCF-SC) team conducted a monitoring mission in the Gadabedji Biosphere Reserve in March. During this mission, the team is observing all of the translocated animals, which seems to be fully adapted to this “new” habitat after an absence of 50 years.
The eight giraffes had been split into two groups of four, but they quickly, instinctively, reunited once. They enjoy eating, Such as Acacia raddiana, Acacia nilotica , Zizihpus mauritania, Maerua crassifolia.
Every other day, they go to the pond of Filio, located in the central area of the reserve, to fulfil their water requirements.

Definitely a smooth and well-adapted adaptation, with the community agents recruited by GCF and the Niger Fauna Corridor Project!